Dates: 1814 - 1909
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Handwritten legal documents for the early 19th century followed by the use of pre-printed forms with handwritten entries,
Arranged: Chronological by Filing Date
Volume: 4 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
Early filing practices often found the recognizance (a record of bail or undertaking) for a court action co-mingled with the surety bonds and undertakings for tax collectors and other officials. While similar in that each set forth certain obligations, the term "recognizance" in Warren County reflects court-related bail bonds and the term "bonds and undertakings" is used to identify obligations issued to officials.
Description of Record Series:
Comprised of handwritten legal documents for the early 19th century followed by the use of pre-printed forms with handwritten entries, refoldered into acid-free enclosures, and containing the following information: description of the obligation including names of the court, justice/judge, defendant and sureties; amount of bail, appearance date & place, filing dates, and, if criminal, identification of the offense. Early documents single page with reverse side bearing filing information, while in later years, documents often multiple pages, with case-related records attached. Varying titles include: bond, undertaking, recognizance of prisoner, undertaking on appeal, undertaking on holding defendant to answer. Estimated 3000 documents for this date span. OCA Schedule # 20280 (Civil) and #30650 (Criminal).
Purpose of Record:
Defined as an obligation of an individual (defendant or witness) to perform a particular act, i.e. to appear before the court in response to a legal proceeding.
Other Formats: None
Finding Aids: Series locations on inventory database.
Related Series: Recognizance Book, Bail Bond Book, Innkeepers Recognizance, Bond & Undertaking Register (these are also available on microfilm).